DexBrowser will start Farming on Dec 10th: Stake in the BRO/USDC liquidity pool to gain rewards!

4 min readDec 9, 2021

At 16:00 (UTC) on December 10, 2021, DexBrowser Farming will officially begin. Users can earn rewards by staking in the BRO/USDC pool. The specific rules are as follows:

  • First phase duration: December 10, 2021 — February 7, 2022 (total period of 60 days)
  • First phase rewards: 1,800,000 BRO
  • Participation site:
  • How to participate:
  1. Follow the link and add BRO and USDC to the BRO/USDC pool to obtain LP tokens.
  2. Use the LP pass to enter DexBrowser’s farming pool (, choose “Stake”, and enter the amount you want to stake to the LP.
  3. Participate in Farming and get BRO rewards!
  • Reward release:

DexBrowser Farming adopts the calculation method of LP stake amount * duration. BRO rewards are released in equal proportions to ensure the fairness and profitability of participants.

  • LP stake amount * duration calculation method

DexBrowser uses a timestamp (BlockTimeStamp). According to the user’s LP stake for each time unit (calculated in seconds), the stake amount is multiplied by the duration and then divided by the total stake amount * duration. Obtaining the percentage of the stake in each time unit is then multiplied by the total amount of BRO rewards released in the unlocked pool at the current time for that time unit. Finally, rewards accumulate for different periods.

For example, user A staked 100 units of the LP token at first and then increases it by 50 units (a total of 150 units). The user then decreases it by 100 units (leaving 50 units) and then by 50 units (leaving 0 units). Then the user’s stake amount is 100+150+50+0 units respectively. The income will be the stake amount per 1 second / total stake amount per 1 second * BRO rewards released every 1 second.

  • Income base

According to the above calculation method, the income base is the maximum income value that the user can obtain.

The actual income is the final income that can be obtained with the 7-day incentive.

  • 7-day incentive

To encourage users to participate in long-term stakes, we have the rule to encourage stakes exceeding a week.

Within the first 7 days of a new LP stake, if the stake and rewards are redeemed, a maximum of 50% loss of the base income will be incurred. The further away from 7 days the stake is taken out, the closer to the 50% loss the user will incur.

Calculations are made to the second:

Assuming that the time to withdraw the pledge is s, the actual income that the user can obtain is:

  • Note:

If the user takes out the stake at any point in time and then restakes, the stake time will be reset.

With all DexBrowser farming, you cannot withdraw rewards separately; the stake and rewards will be withdrawn simultaneously.

  • Locked and unlocked pools

BRO rewards will be locked in the Locked Pool, and the smart contract will calculate the release speed based on the LP stake amount and stake time of the entire farming pool. It will be linearly released into the Unlocked Pool in stages and finally issued from the Unlocked Pool to the staked users.

  • Formula:


  • u ∈ user index
  • s ∈ stake timestamp
  • s’ ∈ stake timestamp ⩾7 * 24 * 3600
  • s’’ ∈ stake timestamp < 7 * 24 * 3600
  • n ∈ unstake timestamp

(1) The formula below describes how the basic unit of accounting works:

(2) This is the total token time secs formula:

(3)This is the unstaked reward percentage formula:


and first staked tokens last unstake.

(4) This is the total reward formula:

Reward = UnlockedPoolTokens * UnstakedRewardPercentage

If you have any questions, please contact us:

